November News
Wow, I can’t believe how quickly this fall has flown. Here are a few fun Alec-related links (and one me-related link) that I’ve been meaning to put up for awhile. Hope you enjoy!
The Indiana Public Library posted Alec in their online catalog as a staff recommended book. You can read about that here.
There’s also a particularly entertaining review of Alec by a mother and her son and daughter here.
And there’s an Alec video book talk here.
Alec was also one of the recommended books for young readers in Joliet, Illinois in October. You can check out the article that talks about The Nina, The Pinta, and the Vanishing Treasure—as well as the other chosen books here.
And last, but not least, I got interviewed wearing both my “writer” and “editor” hats on the Market My Words blog. If you want to take a look, that’s right here.
Hope I’ll be back with more exciting news soon!