A Virtual Book Tour!
My new novel, Everything After , is coming out on March 9, and I’m going on tour from my house! I’ll be doing five virtual events–you can find all the information on my events page.
My new novel, Everything After , is coming out on March 9, and I’m going on tour from my house! I’ll be doing five virtual events–you can find all the information on my events page.
Happy 2015 everyone! I came home from a holiday vacation to find the first real LOVE ON THE LIFTS book in my apartment (it’s coming out on January, 22). So in honor, of that, I wish you all a year filled with many kinds of love.
Here’s a photo from the panel at Books of Wonder this past weekend. I signed tons of copies of the Sparkle Spa books while I was there, so if you’re looking for autographed books for the holidays, they’ve got ’em! (They also have books signed by lots of other authors…)
I got my author copies of TRUE COLORS (the fourth Sparkle Spa book) in the mail today, and my nail polish happened to match! The same thing happened when MAKEOVER MAGIC arrived. Maybe I’m subconsciously painting my nails the same colors as my books? We’ll have to see if it happens when BAD NEWS NAILS arrives in February…
So excited to share the jacket for Follow Your Heart: Love on the Lifts, which lets you choose your own romance (or decide not to have a romance) at a ski resort. The book will be out January 22, 2015. I can’t wait!
Whoa! It’s a jacket for Sparkle Spa #5: Bad News Nails! The book will be out in stores on February 17, 2015, but is available for pre-order now wherever books are sold. (I wish I had a shirt with fringes like Suzy Davis’s. And I wouldn’t mind wearing Aly’s skirt either.)
My Sparkle Spa publisher threw a party last night and my name tag had an early glimpse of the Bad News Nails jacket on it! It’s not in color, but it’s still so cool to see Aly and Suzy Davis on there. (The book will be out in February, 2015.)
Two early copies of Makeover Magic arrived in the mail today–and coincidentally, they match my nail polish perfectly! I think “Dive In” might now be my favorite summer nail color…
There’s going to be a Summer Love celebration at McNally Jackson on Sunday, May 18 from 4-6. If you stop by, you might just get one of these Follow Your Heart frisbees. (A perfect conversation starter if you want to talk to a special someone on the beach….)
I spent yesterday at the Cherry Hill School doing two big presentations for the 1st-5th graders and two smaller mystery writing workshops for the 6th graders. What a group of creative, imaginative kids!
A friend was walking around in the Barnes & Noble on the Upper East Side of Manhattan today and found All That Glitters on the bookshelves there! This is the first time anyone has seen a Sparkle Spa book in a bookstore!